the archive
- 2024-05-14 interactive flashbacks
- 2024-05-12 sunday prompt #1 - memory swap
- 2024-05-10 probabilistic foreshadowing
- 2024-05-07 natural selection of translations
- 2024-05-06 show me the numbers!
- 2024-05-05 i don't care, i love it
- 2024-05-04 translation is not localization
- 2024-05-03 the unavoidable cost of interactive fiction
- 2024-05-02 llm storytelling in 2024
- 2024-05-01 second person
- 2024-03-14 character vs. player
- 2024-03-13 hello, emotions? where are you?
- 2024-03-12 NarraScope 2024
- 2024-03-11 solid new grounds via negativa
- 2024-03-08 try not to break the fictive dream
- 2024-03-07 sorting gameplay
- 2024-03-06 dynamic three-act structure
- 2024-03-05 nice outfit, you look like a gardener
- 2024-03-04 other hidden nonlinearities
- 2024-02-29 interactive storytelling and its nonlinearities
- 2024-02-27 beware of the filler endings
- 2024-02-26 linearity is unavoidable
- 2024-02-25 iterative and incremental
- 2024-02-23 the anchor and the hooks
- 2024-02-22 signposting character traits
- 2024-02-21 my stance on 'AI'
- 2024-02-20 choose your own story beats
- 2024-02-19 the objective
- 2024-02-09 main character's background
- 2024-02-08 the programmer writer
- 2024-02-07 and a pinch of chaos, please
- 2024-02-06 user investment in branching narrative
- 2024-02-02 my problem with voice acting
- 2024-01-31 truly branching narrative
- 2024-01-29 last words on Stray Gods
- 2024-01-26 interactive musical
- 2024-01-25 poor design decisions in Late Shift
- 2024-01-24 distance between player and designer
- 2024-01-23 a rhyzome of game narrative archetypes
- 2024-01-22 telepathy and narrative agency
- 2024-01-09 time off
- 2024-01-07 writing endings that are not lame
- 2024-01-06 interactive planners vs interactive pantsers
- 2024-01-05 limits for ease of writing interactive stories
- 2024-01-04 dating sims are the new zombies
- 2024-01-03 Emily Short's Dialogue Expressiveness in Mask of the Rose
- 2024-01-02 writing interactive games because we can
- 2024-01-01 happy new year!
- 2023-12-24 the cake and the rhizome in the wild
- 2023-12-23 gameplay and plot devices
- 2023-12-21 and it was exhausting
- 2023-12-20 character arcs
- 2023-12-19 writing npcs
- 2023-12-17 the handstand walk
- 2023-12-16 re: games & numbers
- 2023-12-15 enframing writers
- 2023-12-13 overbored!
- 2023-12-11 eat your own food
- 2023-12-10 probability and state
- 2023-12-09 intrinsic vs extrinsinc
- 2023-12-08 slay the praise
- 2023-12-07 slay the state
- 2023-12-06 slay the repetition
- 2023-12-05 slay the numbers
- 2023-12-04 slay the ethics
- 2023-12-03 slay the princess
- 2023-12-02 a playtesting session
- 2023-12-01 frustrating results
- 2023-11-30 taming the rhizome
- 2023-11-29 rhizomatic time loops
- 2023-11-28 rhizomatic foreshadowing
- 2023-11-27 going back to the start
- 2023-11-26 re: stretching & wildcards
- 2023-11-25 silent evidence
- 2023-11-24 open re: playtest! playtest! playtest!
- 2023-11-23 playtest! playtest! playtest!
- 2023-11-22 open response about yesterday's email
- 2023-11-21 the binary branch frustration
- 2023-11-20 game over?
- 2023-11-19 zero sum reputation systems
- 2023-11-18 the rhizome is here to stay
- 2023-11-17 interactively tangled
- 2023-11-16 about players making sense
- 2023-11-15 don't run into the woods
- 2023-11-14 talking in code: state
- 2023-11-13 talking in code: variables
- 2023-11-12 no choice
- 2023-11-11 the challenge