on writing games

dating sims are the new zombies

Today I woke up with the sad feeling that all narrative games fell into two categories: mystery + detective or dating sim.

So I sat down to analyze the first results on Steam to see if this feeling was real or not.

To my surprise, not only was it not real, but I found some games with interesting proposals, obviously this from the marketing on the Steam page (I didn’t even consider the reviews); I haven’t played them yet, but I wanted to mention them here in case someone has played them and has any comments.

The first one is Needy Streamer Overlord, although I’m clearly not the target audience for this game, I found it interesting to use the need for approval from viewers as the main conflict of a game. Maybe I’ll play it, maybe I’ll watch it on YouTube, who knows.

Suzerain is a game about diplomacy and politics. Basically, the premise is: You are the president. It could be incredibly interesting or incredibly boring. I’ll have to try it out.

Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk was a hit in 2020. It’s a short story about how difficult things are in everyday life. I can relate.

Hira Hira Hihiru is a visual novel about a disease that brings the dead back to life. I’m not sure if it falls into the “mystery” category or not, but apparently it doesn’t.

MINDHACK has a very interesting premise: hacking the brains of the bad guys and turning them into happy people.

In addition to these games that I found interesting, there were 2 mystery games, 6 dating sims, and 3 RPGs on the list.

Yes, 6 dating sims 🤦. Evidently, Steam likes to flirt.